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Old photo of the Snowdon Mountain Railway


Roedd fy nhaid Hugh Elis Hughes yn arfer gweithio fel dyn glo i’r co-op lleol, neu i drigolion y pentref, i'r Coparet. Yna yn 1955, fe brynodd fusnes glo Llanberis gan y co-op, ac enwi'r cwmni yn 'H.E. Hughes'.

Erbyn diwedd y 1960’au a dechrau’r 1970’au, cychwynodd ei feibion weithio gydag ef a lledaenodd y busnes i bentrefi cyfagos a thu hwnt i Lanberis.

Cychwynais weithio i'r cwmni yn 2009 gyda fy ewythr sydd bellach wedi ymddeol. Ond, rwyf i'n parhau gyda’r busnes teulu fel y dyn glo lleol.

Os ydych angen archebu glo, neu gyda unrhyw broblem gyda’ch archebiad, cysylltwch â mi Aled, neu fy mam Brenda ar y rhifau isod.


My grandfather Huw Elis Hughes used to work as a coal man for the local cooperative company (co-op). In 1955 he bought the Llanberis coal round from the co-op and started trading as 'H.E. Hughes'.

By the late 1960's early 1970's his sons started working alongside their father and expanded to other villages by buying the existing coal rounds.

Due to the introduction of gas to the area during the 1980's and 1990's. They diversified to selling heating oil as well as continuing to sell coal.

If you wish to order coal please do not hesitate to contact me or my mother Brenda on the contact numbers below:

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